Monday, September 3, 2012

Cost of Testing Information

The Costs of
High Stakes Testing

What Informed Citizens 
Need to Know about
Standardized Testing in
Our Public Schools

Tests in Indiana

I-READ 3 – mandatory test for all third graders
I-READ K-2 – reading test not mandatory at present
I-STEP+ - language arts math, social studies and/or science tests mandatory for grades 3-8
English 10 ECA – mandatory test for all high school students to graduate
Algebra 1 ECA – mandatory test for all high school students to graduate
Biology 1 ECA – mandatory test for all high school students to graduate
ISTAR and IMAST - tests that replace ISTEP for special needs students
LAS – Links – test for English Language Learners
mCLASS – K-2 assessments in literacy and math
NWEA and Acuity – tests that measure reading, math, and language on the computer several times a year
SRI or AR – reading tests that check comprehension
DRA – developmental reading assessment for K-5
DIBELS – one-on-one assessment to monitor early reading progress
PALS – proficiency aligned learning skills matching state standards
NAEP - test given to a random sample in grades 4, 8 and 12

Check with your child’s school to learn which assessments are given and how much time is dedicated to them.

Cost of Testing

The Indiana Department of Education estimates the cost of testing to be $46,229,751 for the 2012-2013 school year.
This $46,229,751 could be used to:
  • repair buildings and infrastructure of schools
  • pay the salaries and benefits of at least a thousand teachers
  • purchase laptop computers and iPads for most students

Time for Testing

Elementary educators estimate they spend about six weeks of the 36 week school year on test preparation and administration. Tests focus on reading and math, leaving little time for the following:
  • Social Studies and Civics
  • Art and Music
  • Science and Physical Education
What will be the cost of testing in time and money when the 2014-2015 implementation of the Common Core Standards adds additional tests?
For more information about the Common Core, visit Indiana's Common Core Standards: Indiana Department of Education

As parents, educators, and concerned citizens, we think there are a number of questions that should be considered about high stakes testing.
  • What do we want children to learn? What do they really need to know?
  • Is standardized testing the most effective way to measure student learning?
  • What teaching methods are developmentally appropriate to promote learning?
  • Should we teach children how to learn, how to think, and how to question?
  • Do current policies encourage the education of every child?
  • What are the Common Core Standards and how much testing will be involved?
  • What are the implications of these standards for your child?
  • Should standardized test results be used to evaluate teachers?
  • How much money is being spent on standardized tests?

What can you do?

Click HERE to download a copy of this pamphlet or see all our fact sheets under INFORMATION AND FACT SHEETS in the right hand column of this blog.


Unknown said...

Testing is also done in the 7th grade. I expected it to be alot but not 46 million!

Stu said...

Thanks for the correction, Amanda.